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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Name for "War and Peace"....

"Ball and Chain"

Really. I'm not overreacting or being a big, giant baby. I have to FORCE myself to pick it up and continue reading.

To make matters worse (at least for me), the 100 pages I skipped over accidentally - see previous post - is all about war. Now, I'm not a big fan of reading about any type of war, but this is an entirely different dislike. I think it would be somewhat difficult to follow if you WERE a fan; so imagine my difficulty.

It's not that the language is difficult to get through or anything, it's just really hard to determine who Tolstoy is talking about at any given moment. Who's fighting who and who's side this or that person is on. In the end, it probably won't mean a darned thing, but it bugs me.

Enough. I'm done moaning and complaining. I'm at XVII, Part Two on page 179. I will at least read up to the point that I skipped to. Promise.

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