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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No New Followers

No new followers. That doesn't surprise me. I have done a poor, poor job of updating my progress, but I am determined not to let this project go by the wayside. As I have stated before, "War and Peace" is not a recreational read. I just need to plow through it and get it over with. I'm ready to move on to something I can enjoy.

My father is going in for bypass surgery tomorrow, so I will have plenty of opportunity to read while at the hospital.

I have read some; I promise! I'm currently on page 247 and have passed the section that I accidentally skipped to. We've gone from the development of two relationships (in very strange ways), back to war. I really don't think I would enjoy living during this period. Too strange and much too formal.

Off to do laundry!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, just checking in for an update on who is winning. War or Peace?
