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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Hubby Might be Right

Reading "War and Peace" feels like trying to climb out of a pool of quicksand. You are struggling to find ANYTHING you can grasp to help pull you out to safety.

In my case, I'm trying to find a plot or a storyline I can mentally grab on to. I will not give up on this book! Perhaps it's just the wrong time. The kids are on break from school, I have a Christmas dinner to plan (for 9 people...not a big deal for some, but it is for me), an accent chair to find so we can burn the pink piece of garbage that now sits in our sunroom....I could go on and on.

I'm only on page 85 and it seems the pages are multiplying as I read. Perhaps I shouldn't try to read while lying in bed with cozy warm blankets. How about a tub of ice? That might work! Anything to keep my eyelids from feeling as though they are weighed down by fishing line sinkers.

Right now, my only goal is to read at least 10 pages per day. I can do that, right? More to follow...

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